Monday, March 7, 2011

The trials of teaching!

The past few weeks have flown by. I seriously don't know where the time has gone.  (I know that sounds cliche but it is completely true) I am officially over half way done with student teaching. I cannot believe I only have 7 weeks left! It is seriously nuts. In the next few week I have so much to accomplish...including writing a unit. :) I will also be taking on the freshmen classes!!  WOOT! It will be really fun, especially after The Odyssey  when we get to start Romeo and Juliet. I hope the next few weeks don't go by too fast, because I want to really enjoy my time at school.

Well.... I'm off to finish more schoolwork!

Monday, February 14, 2011


So, I haven't written about school in a long, long time.
As of right now, I am six weeks and one day through student teaching!! WHOOT!
I loved it. LOVE IT.

Today was very hard for me. There comes a point when students are so rowdy that there is no way to control them. THAT WAS MY ENTIRE DAY! Alfkdjoaeireakfjasd- that's how I feel!

What is really exciting is that next week we start literary analysis by reading, The Shawshank Redemption.
I am super excited! I feel I can really excel as a teacher in this unit! I decided it would be fun to give my students clues about what novella we are going to read.
Here are my two clues:
#1: 37927. 237. 500. 245.
#2: There once was a man from Maine, 
      Who had a gun but was quite sane.
      Books, beatings, guards and cells,
      Freedom came with such a smell.
      Now lounging in the sun, all day. 

Running outside!

Yesterday was a glorious day!
I got to run OUTSIDE, February 13th!
It was oh so wonderful. I probably looked like a dork, running with a huge smile of my face!

Here's a picture of me after my wonderful run!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day off!

Today was my first day off as a teacher. It was so nice to have a "relaxing" day, if you want to call it that. The best part of my day was visiting my preschooler and toddlers at the children's center. The kids were so cute, hugging me and sitting on my lap. It was so great to get the hugs and smiles from those kids. I really missed them. It almost broke my heart when I had to say goodbye again.

I really enjoyed my day off. I got a chance to prep veggies for my homemade chicken noodle soup, do laundry and catch up on some t.v. shows I have missed!

What a great day!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

'Twas the night before student teaching..."

‘Twas the night before student teaching and all through the apartment
Both Jenna and Kelsey are ready to enter their department

Their clothes are all picked out for the rest of the week
Their food all settled in the frig for lunches not meek

Both teaching bags are pack all snug in a row
Their gas tanks full so there shall not need a tow

Mom and Dad are quite proud of their teaching daughters
Reminding them of tips and to remember their waters

When in the apartment their rose such a clatter
Lauren calling to see what was the matter!

Away to the schools we drove in the morning
Hoping the student would not think we are boring

When what to our wondering eyes should appear?
But a classroom filled with students eager to hear

Student teaching is here, how exciting and frightening,
We are so ready to teach and be the one’s doing the enlightening.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmastime is over.

Christmas Break:
·      Cleaned the house everyday (out of pure boredom)
·      Baked 8 dozen sugar cookies and 4 dozen almond cookies.
·      Make chocolate covered pretzels
·      Picked up the babies and played with them everyday
·      Went to the post office 3 times… and stood in line
·      Read The Odyssey, The Canterbury Tales and trying to finish up The Catcher in the Rye

Christmas for me means spending a lot of time at home.
We eat good food and have good times.
This Christmas was a little different because Brady was old enough to participate in the festivities. He ran around opening presents, stealing cookies, and scream in sheer delight. It was a blast to see that he was having so much fun.
Christmas was so fun this year!

I will begin my adventures in student teaching on the 3rd … and I’m both terrified and excited.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Here's where I'm at...

Wow! I haven’t written in quite a while.
Well, here’s where I’m at…

1. I finished my last semester of classes of my undergraduate career, thank God. (Roughest ending to a semester ever.)
2. I had to say goodbye to my Madison kids and family, my boss at the philosophy office, and my girls at the high school
3. I slept many, many hours
4. I went to Onalaska High School, met with my coop. teacher and got to meet the students
5. Winona got 26 inches of snow in about 24 hours- blizzard conditions
6. During the blizzard, Christine and I spent all weekend stuck in my apartment… except when we trekked out in the snow. DANGER.
7. Christine and I made cookies… yum!
8. I drove home today and it took me over 3 hours, yuck!
9. I am now in my bed at home, safe and warm

So many things have happened in the last week. There have been very large up’s and some down’s. I have experienced new things as well as felt the comfort of old.

I am happy where I am, here, today.